Papers Explained 171: Prometheus 2

Ritvik Rastogi
6 min readJul 31, 2024


This Work curates Preference Collection, a fine-grained pairwise ranking feedback dataset that builds on the Feedback Collection.

Mistral-7B and Mixtral8x7B separately trained on Feedback Collection and Preference Collection are merged to obtain Prometheus 2 (7B & 8x7B).

Prometheus 2 models score high correlations with both human evaluators and proprietary LM-based judges on both direct assessment and pairwise ranking.

The project is available at GitHub.

Recommended Reading [Papers Explained 170: Prometheus]


A new recipe is used for training a unified evaluator LM based on merging the weights of models trained for direct assessment and pairwise ranking.

Comparison of direct assessment and pairwise ranking.

Direct Assessment

Direct assessment is mapping an instruction i and response r into a scalar value score s, such as f_direct : (i, r) → s.

Based on the prior works, a reference answer a and an evaluation criteria i.e. a score rubric including a description for the criteria itself and a set of descriptions e is added as the inputs and the model is additionally prompted to write verbal feedback v_r.

This is expressed as:

Pairwise Ranking

Pairwise ranking is mapping an instruction i and a pair of responses (r_m, r_n) into either i or j, such as f_pair : (i, r_m, r_n) → s where s ∈ {m,n}. Similar to direct assessment, prior works have identified that integrating a reference answer a and verbal feedback v_rm,rn and evaluation criteria e into the evaluation pipeline is crucial.

This is expressed as:

The Preference Collection

Statistics of the training datasets.

Popular pairwise ranking datasets such as HH-RLHF or Ultra Feedback do not include the evaluation criteria and the verbal feedback. Hence the Preference Collection is constructed by modifying Feedback Collection

  1. Since the Feedback Collection includes five responses for each instruction, each corresponding to a scoring decision between 1 and 5, two out of the five responses are paired, resulting in a total of ten combinations per instruction.
  2. To generate new verbal feedback v_rm,rn for each pair of responses, GPT-4–1106 is prompted to identify the commonalities and differences of the two responses.

Employing Evaluator Language Models


Prompting involves querying an LM to make judgments in a specified evaluation format without training on any feedback dataset.

Single-Format Training

Single-Format training involves training a base model θ on either a direct assessment feedback dataset D_d or a pairwise ranking feedback dataset D_p.

Joint Training

Joint training involves training a base model θ on both a direct assessment feedback dataset D_d and a pairwise ranking feedback dataset D_p. This enables the resulting evaluator LM to function across both evaluation formats.

Weight Merging

Weight Merging involves training two models, θ_d and θ_p, separately on a direct assessment feedback dataset D_d and a pairwise ranking feedback dataset D_p. Then, we obtain the final evaluator LM θ_final with linear merging :

In this work α = 0.5. In addition to linear merging, various other merging techniques are also tested including: Task Arithmetic merging, TIES merging, DARE merging.

Experimental Setup

Statistics of the evaluation benchmarks

The experiment involves four direct assessment benchmarks and four pairwise ranking benchmarks.

Direct Assessment Benchmarks:

  1. Vicuna Bench: A single-turn chat benchmark with 80 test prompts, 80 hand-crafted score rubrics, and 320 responses from four language models (WizardLM-13B, Vicuna-13B, Llama-2-Chat-13B, and GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613).
  2. MT Bench: A multi-turn chat benchmark with 80 test prompts, 80 hand-crafted score rubrics, and 320 responses from the same four language models.
  3. FLASK: A fine-grained evaluation benchmark with 200 test prompts, 12 score rubrics, and 2000 responses from four language models (Alpaca-7B, Vicuna-13B, Bard, and GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613). This benchmark includes scores from both proprietary language models and human evaluators.
  4. Feedback Bench: A test set with 1K score rubrics, 200 instructions, and 1K responses that do not overlap with the train data.

Pairwise Ranking Benchmarks:

  1. HHH Alignment: A benchmark with 221 prompts, 4 score rubrics, and 221 response pairs (graded as ‘win’ or ‘lose’) judged by human evaluators.
  2. MT Bench Human Judgment: A benchmark with the same 80 prompts as MT-Bench, and 3,360 response pairs (graded as ‘win’, ‘tie’, or ‘lose’) judged by human evaluators.
  3. Auto-J Eval: A benchmark with 58 prompts and 1,392 response pairs (graded as ‘win’, ‘tie’, or ‘lose’) judged by human evaluators.
  4. Preference Bench: An in-domain test set for the Prometheus models, with 200 prompts, 2,000 response pairs (graded as ‘win’ or ‘lose’), and 200 evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Metrics:

  • In direct assessment, the performance metrics used are Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall-Tau to measure scoring correlations against reference evaluators.
  • In pairwise ranking, the metric used is accuracy to measure agreement between evaluator language models and humans.
  • For MT Bench Human Judgment and Auto-J Eval, the experiment evaluates in two ways: excluding all ‘tie’ options (denoted as ‘w/o tie’) or using direct assessment where responses scored as ‘ties’ are grouped and pairwise rankings are applied to the remaining responses with differing scores (denoted as ‘w/ tie’).


Direct Assessment Results

Direct Assessment Results: Pearson correlations
  • All evaluated models, including Prometheus-2 models, GPT-4–1106, Claude-3-Opus, and human evaluators, exhibit strong correlations with each other, with all Pearson correlations exceeding 0.5.
  • Base LMs, single-format trained LMs, and jointly trained LMs show lower correlations with GPT-4–1106, Claude-3-Opus, and human evaluators, most of which are below 0.5.
  • Prometheus-2 models outperform previous versions of Prometheus (Prometheus and Auto-J) by at least 0.2 units across benchmarks in their correlation with proprietary LMs.
  • The Prometheus-2–8X7B model achieves a correlation of 0.555 with humans on the FLASK benchmark, which is significantly higher than the previous best of 0.449 achieved by Prometheus-13B.

Pairwise Ranking Results

Pairwise Ranking Results: Accuracy on human preference datasets.
  • Prometheus-2 models consistently achieve the highest scores across all four benchmarks, indicating their strong performance in simulating human judgments.
  • Despite HHH Alignment being a domain-specific test set for Pair RM and Auto-J Eval being for AutoJ, Prometheus-2–8X7B outperforms both on these specific benchmarks, suggesting that it can effectively generalize beyond its training data.
  • The performance of Prometheus-2 models significantly improves compared to existing evaluator LMs, reducing the performance gap with proprietary LMs by at least half on out-of-domain test sets.

Consistency Across Evaluation Formats

Consistency across Evaluation Formats: Pairwise ranking accuracy when assessing in direct assessment formats
  • Prometheus 2 models demonstrated lower performance differences across evaluation formats, suggesting their robustness in handling different types of evaluations.
  • The results indicate that the Prometheus 2 models maintained consistent scoring behavior regardless of the format used for the evaluation.


Prometheus 2: An Open Source Language Model Specialized in Evaluating Other Language Models 2405.01535

Recommended Reading [LLM Evaluation]

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