Papers Explained 90: E5

Ritvik Rastogi
4 min readJan 15, 2024


E5 (EmbEddings from bidirEctional Encoder rEpresentations) is a family of state-of-the-art text embeddings trained in a contrastive manner with weak supervision signals from a curated large-scale text pair dataset (called CCPairs (Colossal Clean text Pairs)), that transfer well to a wide range of tasks.

Recommended Reading [Papers Explained 86: Dense Passage Retriever] [Papers Explained 89: ColBERTv2]


CCPairs is curated by harvesting heterogeneous semi-structured data sources. (q, p) denotes a text pair consisting of a query q and a passage p.

The dataset includes (post, comment) pairs from Reddit, (question, upvoted answer) pairs from Stackexchange, (entity name + section title, passage) pairs from English Wikipedia, (title, abstract) and citation pairs from Scientific papers, and (title, passage) pairs from Common Crawl web pages and various News sources.

Overview of data curation pipeline.

Simple heuristic rules are applied to filter data from Reddit and Common Crawl. After preliminary filtering, ∼ 1.3 billion text pairs are curated, most of which come from Reddit and Common Crawl.

To further improve data quality and make training costs manageable, a consistency-based data filtering technique is used: a model is first trained on the 1.3B noisy text pairs, and then used to rank each pair against a pool of 1 million random passages. A text pair is kept only if it falls in the top-k(k=2) ranked lists. In other words, the model’s prediction should be consistent with the training labels.

After this step, ∼ 270M text pairs for contrastive pre-training are curated.


Overview of Model Architecture

The embeddings can be trained with only unlabeled text pairs from CCPairs with contrastive pretraining. A second-stage fine-tuning on small, high-quality labeled datasets can be performed to further boost the quality of the resulted embeddings.

Contrastive Pre-training with Unlabeled Data

Contrastive pre-training aims to distinguish the relevant text pairs from other irrelevant or negative pairs. Given a collection of text pairs {(qi , pi)} n i=1, a list of negative passages {p − ij} m j=1 are assigned for the i-th example. Then the InfoNCE contrastive loss is as follows:

where sθ(q, p) is a scoring function between query q and passage p parameterized by θ. A shared pre-trained Transformer encoder and average pooling over the output layer is used to get fixed-size text embeddings Eq and Ep. The score is the cosine similarity scaled by a temperature hyper-parameter τ (set to 0.01):

To break the symmetry two prefix identifiers “query:” and “passage:” are added to q and d respectively.

Fine-tuning with Labeled Data

While contrastive pre-training on the CCPairs provides a solid foundation for general-purpose embeddings, further training on labeled data can inject human knowledge into the model to boost the performance.

The model is further trained with a combination of 3 datasets: NLI 6 (Natural Language Inference), MS-MARCO passage ranking dataset, and NQ (Natural Questions) dataset.

Three model sizes are trained: E5small, E5base and E5large initialized from MiniLM, bert-base-uncased, and bert-large-uncased-whole-wordmasking respectively.

Model configurations.


Results on BEIR benchmark

Unsupervised methods on the BEIR benchmark
  • E5-PTbase outperforms BM25 by 1.2 points across 15 datasets. Marks the first reported instance of an unsupervised model surpassing BM25 on the BEIR benchmark.
  • Scaling to E5-PTlarge shows enhanced performance from 42.9 to 44.2.
Supervised fine-tuning results on the BEIR benchmark.
  • Zero-shot transfer results are observed for other datasets.
  • E5base model achieves an average nDCG@10 of 48.7, surpassing GTRlarge despite having fewer parameters.
  • Most datasets show improvement with supervised fine-tuning, except for FiQA, Scidocs, Fever, etc., possibly due to limited domain diversity in fine-tuning datasets.

Results on MTEB benchmark

Results on the MTEB benchmark
  • E5 models outperform similar-sized existing models significantly.
  • Match the results of much larger models like GTRxxl and Sentence-T5xxl.
  • E5large model (300M parameters) outperforms GTRxxl and Sentence-T5xxl models (4.8B parameters) which are over 10 times larger.


Text Embeddings by Weakly-Supervised Contrastive Pre-training 2212.03533

Recommended Reading: [Retrieval and Representation Learning]

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