Papers Explained 164: Orca 3 (Agent Instruct)

Ritvik Rastogi
6 min readJul 17, 2024


The study focuses on using synthetic data for post-training, specifically creating data by powerful models to teach a new skill or behavior to another model, referred to as Generative Teaching.

AgentInstruct, an extensible framework that generates large amounts of diverse and high-quality synthetic data including both prompts and responses, by using raw data sources such as text documents and code files as seeds.

Mistral-7b post trained with the data (called as Orca-3) demonstrates significant improvements across many benchmarks over Mistral-7b-Instruct.

Recommended Reading [Papers Explained 160: Orca][Papers Explained 161: Orca-2] [Papers Explained 163 Orca-Math]

Generative Teaching : AgentInstruct

A thematic overview of the roles played by different groups of agents.

AgentInstruct defines three different flows:

  • The Content Transformation Flow converts raw seeds into an intermediate representation, simplifying instruction creation for specific objectives. This process involves multiple agents and generates high-quality data while introducing diversity.
  • The Seed Instruction Generation takes the transformed seed as input and generates diverse instructions using a predefined taxonomy. Its sole goal is to introduce diversity.
  • The Instruction Refinement Flow, iteratively enhances instruction complexity and quality by proposing various approaches through Suggester-Editor Agents. These agents initially suggest ways to increase instruction intricacy, which Editor agents then modify accordingly.

These flows are implemented for 17 different skills

AgentInstruct Flow for Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension transformation agents:

  1. Argument Passage Generator: This agent is adept at creating passages that articulate arguments, which may occasionally contain logical inconsistencies.
  2. Debate Passage Generator: It specializes in crafting passages that mimic the structure and content of debate transcripts.
  3. Conversation Passage Generator: This agent generates passages that depict dialogues.
  4. Meeting Transcript Generator: It is designed to produce meeting transcripts.
  5. Poem Generator: This agent generates poems.
  6. Satirical Passage Generator: It creates texts infused with satirical wit.
  7. Instructional Passage Generator: This agent generates passages resembling instructional manuals.
  8. Long Text Generator: It extends the original text by incorporating additional information, thereby increasing its length.
  9. Identity Agent: A straightforward agent that replicates the input text verbatim.

Instruction Taxonomy for Seed Instruction Generation Flow

  1. Literal Comprehension Question (Short Answer(or list)): a question that asks for a specific detail(s) or fact(s) clearly stated in the text.
  2. Numerical Discrete Reasoning (Reasoning): questions that require the reader to use numerical reasoning over many facts from the text.
  3. Critical Comprehension Question (True/False): construct two statements about the purpose or point of view that the reader must assess as true or false, with one being true and the other false.
  4. Evaluative Comprehension Question (Essay): an open-ended question that prompts an in-depth analysis of the text’s theme or the effectiveness of an argument.
  5. Vocabulary and Language Use (Fill-in-the-Blank): a fill-in-the-blank question that tests understanding of a particular word or phrase used in the text.
  6. Relationship Comprehension Question (Matching): a matching question where respondents pair items based on a specific criterion.
  7. Sequencing Events (Ordering): a series of events from the text arranged in the correct chronological order.
  8. Strengthen: identify information that would make the argument’s conclusion more likely to be true.
  9. Weaken: find evidence or an argument that would make the conclusion less likely to be true.
  10. Assumption (Necessary Assumption): determine what must be true for the argument to hold.
  11. Flaw: point out a mistake in the argument’s reasoning.
  12. Inference (Must Be True): Choose an option that logically follows from the information provided.
  13. Principle (Identify the Principle): Recognize the general rule or principle that underlies the argument.
  14. Method of Reasoning (Describe the Argument): Describe how the argument is constructed logically.

AgentInstruct Flow for Text Modification

Instruction Taxonomy for Seed Instruction Generation Flow

  1. Paraphrasing: Rewriting text using different words and sentence structures while maintaining the original meaning.
  2. Text Simplification: Making text easier to read and understand by using simpler words and sentence structures, often for children or language learners.
  3. Text Expansion: Adding more information or detail to make text more comprehensive or to meet a certain word count.
  4. Text Translation: Converting text from one language to another while attempting to preserve the original meaning as closely as possible.
  5. Text Formatting: Altering the appearance of text to improve readability or for stylistic purposes.
  6. Sentiment Modification: Changing the tone of the text to alter its emotional impact, such as making a sentence sound more positive or negative.
  7. Text Annotation: Adding notes, comments, or explanations to a text, often for the purpose of analysis or to provide additional context.
  8. Keyword Replacement: Substituting specific words or phrases with synonyms or related terms.
  9. Text Removing: Redacting or removing content from text.
  10. Text Capitalization: Adjusting the case of letters in text, such as converting to uppercase, lowercase, title case, or sentence case, starting every sentence with a particular letter, word.
  11. Text Styling: Applying styles like bold, italics, underline, etc., to emphasize certain parts of the text or for aesthetic purposes.
  12. Content Rewriting: Extensively modifying a text to produce a new version, which could involve changing the perspective, style, or target audience.
  13. Data Normalization: Standardizing text to ensure consistency, such as converting dates and times to a standard format or unifying the spelling of words.
  14. Plagiarism Rewording: Altering text to avoid plagiarism, ensuring that the content is original.
  15. Code Switching: Alternating between languages or dialects within a text, often to reflect bilingual speakers’ patterns or for creative writing.
  16. Text Obfuscation: Intentionally making text vague or harder to understand, sometimes for security purposes (like masking personal data).
  17. Textual Entailment: Modifying a sentence or phrase to either entail or contradict another sentence, often used in natural language processing tasks.
  18. Rewriting with vocabulary limitations: Rewriting the entire text or a piece of it while using a limited vocabulary. For example, all words should start with letter ’a’, all n-th word should start with letter ’b’, each sentence should start with a ’vowel’, etc.


A collection of 22M instructions is curated using unstructured text and code files sampled from KnowledgePile, AutoMathText, a subset of openstax and a subset of apache-2.0 licensed source code files from CodeParrot.

In addition to the 22 M instructions, approximately 3.8 M paired instructions are sourced from Orca-1, Orca-2, Orca-Math and samples from other publicly available sources. This data is referred to as Orca-2.5dataset.

The culmination of these datasets (25.8 M paired instructions), are incorporated into the training of Orca-3. Furthermore, a separate model, referred to as Orca-2.5, is trained using the 3.8M instructions (Orca-2.5-dataset).

Mistral-7b-v0.1 is fine tuned for a maximum sequence length of 8192 with packing for three epochs.

Evaluation Results

Orca Bench

  • The Orca-Bench dataset is used as a held-out test set, containing 100 samples per skill (except ODQA, which has two subsets: ODQA and Complex ODQA).
  • Baselines are evaluated on Orca-Bench and scored relative to GPT-4 on a scale of 0 to 10.
Performance Comparison between Baselines and Orca3 Checkpoints.
  • AgentInstruct data leads to significant performance improvements in a broad range of capabilities, except few shot.
Average Performance of Different Models on Orca-Bench.
  • Orca-3, trained with AgentInstruct data, outperforms Orca-2.5 by 33.94% and Mistral-Instruct-7B by 14.92% on average.

Benchmark Results

Performance of Orca-3 and other baseline models on all the benchmarks.
  • The results indicate that Orca-3 performs well across a range of benchmarks demonstrating its effectiveness in zero-shot settings for the tasks evaluated.


AgentInstruct: Toward Generative Teaching with Agentic Flows 2407.03502

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