Papers Explained 162: PEGASUS

Ritvik Rastogi
4 min readJul 12, 2024


PEGASUS (Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive SUmmarization Sequence-to-sequence models) utilizes the same encoder-decoder model architecture as BART. For pre-training, it employs two self-supervised objectives: Masked Language Modeling (MLM) and Gap Sentence Generation (GSG) for summarization.

The base architecture of PEGASUS is a standard Transformer encoder-decoder. Both GSG and MLM are applied simultaneously to this example as pre-training objectives. Originally there are three sentences. One sentence is masked with [MASK1] and used as target generation text (GSG). The other two sentences remain in the input, but some tokens are randomly masked by [MASK2] (MLM).

Gap Sentences Generation (GSG)

It is hypothesized that the use of a pre-training objective that more closely resembles the downstream task leads to better and faster fine-tuning performance.

Whole sentences from documents are selected and masked, and gap-sentences are concatenated into a pseudo-summary. The corresponding position of each selected gap sentence is replaced by a mask token [MASK1] to inform the model.

To even more closely approximate a summary, sentences that appear to be important/principal to the document are selected.

Three primary strategies are considered for selecting m gap sentences without replacement from a document D, comprised of n sentences:

  • Random Uniformly select m sentences at random.
  • Lead Select the first m sentences.
  • Principal Select top-m scored sentences according to importance. As a proxy for importance we compute ROUGE- F1 between the sentence and the rest of the document

Masked Language Model (MLM)

15% of the tokens in the input text are selected following BERT. The selected tokens are replaced in one of three ways: 80% of the time by a mask token [MASK2], 10% of the time by a random token, or 10% of the time without any change.

It is observed that using MLM during pre-training does not significantly enhance downstream tasks, even after a large number of pre-training steps. As a result, MLM is not incorporated into the final model, PEGASUS-LARGE.

Pre-training Corpus

  • C4, or the Colossal and Cleaned version of Common Crawl, consists of text from 350M Web-pages (750GB).
  • HugeNews, a dataset of 1.5B articles (3.8TB) collected from news and news-like websites from 2013- 2019. A whitelist of domains ranging from highquality news publishers to lower-quality sites such as high-school newspapers, and blogs was curated and used to seed a web-crawler. Heuristics were used to identify news-like articles, and only the main article text was extracted as plain text.

Downstream Tasks/Datasets

  • XSum consists of 227k BBC articles from 2010 to 2017 covering a wide variety of subjects along with professionally written single-sentence summaries.
  • CNN/DailyMail dataset contains 93k articles from the CNN, and 220k articles the Daily Mail newspapers. Both publishers supplement their articles with bullet point summaries.
  • NEWSROOM is a large dataset containing 1.3M article-summary pairs written by authors and editors in the newsrooms of 38 major publications between 1998 and 2017.
  • Multi-News is a multi-document summarization dataset consisting of 56k pairs of news articles and their human-written summaries from the site
  • Gigaword contains 4M examples extracted from news articles from the Gigaword corpus. The task is to generate the headline from the first sentence.
  • arXiv, PubMed are two long document datasets of scientific publications from (113k) and PubMed (215k). The task is to generate the abstract from the paper body.
  • BIGPATENT consists of 1.3 million U.S. patents along with human summaries under nine patent classification categories.
  • WikiHow is a large-scale dataset of instructions from the online website. Each of 200k examples consists of multiple instruction-step paragraphs along with a summarizing sentence. The task is to generate the concatenated summary-sentences from the paragraphs.
  • Reddit TIFU contains 120K posts of informal stories from the online discussion forum Reddit, more specifically the TIFU sub-reddit from 2013-Jan to 2018-Mar. The sub-reddit posts strictly follow the rule of writing a descriptive ”TL;DR” summary.
  • AESLC consists of 18k email bodies and their subjects from the Enron corpus, a collection of email messages of employees in the Enron Corporation.
  • BillSum contains 23k US Congressional bills and human-written reference summaries from the 103rd-115th (1993–2018) sessions of Congress.


PEGASUSBASE had L = 12, H = 768, F = 3072, A = 12

PEGASUSLARGE had L = 16, H = 1024, F = 4096, A = 16

where L denotes the number of layers for encoder and decoder (i.e. Transformer blocks), H for the hidden size, F for the feed-forward layer size and A for the number of self-attention heads.

Sinusoidal positional encodings are used.


PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization 1912.08777

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