Papers Explained 153: CTRL
CTRL is a 1.63 billion-parameter conditional transformer language model, trained to condition on control codes that govern style, content, and task-specific behavior. Control codes were derived from structure that naturally co-occurs with raw text, preserving the advantages of unsupervised learning while providing more explicit control over text generation. These codes also allow CTRL to predict which parts of the training data are most likely given a sequence.
Language Modeling with CTRL
CTRL is a conditional language model that is always conditioned on a control code c and learns the distribution p(x|c).
CTRL learns pθ(xi |x < i, c) by training on sequences of raw text prepended with control codes. After minimal preprocessing.
CTRL is trained on 140 GB of text drawing from a wide variety of domains:
- Wikipedia (En, De, Es, Fr)
- Project Gutenberg
- Submissions from 45 subreddits
- OpenWebText
- a large collection of news data
- Amazon Reviews
- Europarl and UN data from WMT (En-De, En-Es, En-Fr)
- question-answer pairs (no context documents) from ELI5
- the MRQA shared task, which includes the Stanford Question Answering Dataset, NewsQA, TriviaQA, SearchQA, HotpotQA, and Natural Questions.
- Most control codes for our model specify the overall style of generated text by indicating a particular domain of training data.
- Additional control codes can be added to the domain code in order to increasingly constrain generation.
- A small number of control codes are related to specific tasks like question answering and translation.
- Wikipedia, Books, News and multilingual have no secondary code.
- Reviews can be followed by Rating: and a value of {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}.
- For Links, a full or partial URL can be provided.
- For all the Reddit data, the secondary code can be Title: or Text:, which is the title and text of the article, respectively.
Experimental Settings
BPE codes are learned and the data is tokenized with a large vocabulary of roughly 250K tokens.
CTRL has model dimension d = 1280, inner dimension f = 8192, 48 layers, and 16 heads per layer. Dropout with probability 0.1 follows the residual connections in each layer. Token embeddings were tied with the final output embedding layer.
CTRL: A Conditional Transformer Language Model for Controllable Generation 1909.05858
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