Papers Explained 150: MarianMT

Ritvik Rastogi
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Marian is a robust and self-contained Neural Machine Translation system. It is entirely implemented in C++ and features a built-in automatic differentiation engine using dynamic computation graphs. Its encoder-decoder framework is specifically designed to combine efficient training and rapid translation, rendering it an ideal research-friendly toolkit.

Design Outline

The deep-learning back-end is based on reverse-mode auto-differentiation with dynamic computation graphs, similar to DyNet. The back-end is optimized for machine translation and similar use cases, with efficient implementations of fused RNN cells, attention mechanisms, and atomic layer-normalization.

The encoder and decoder are implemented as classes with a simplified interface:

class Encoder {
EncoderState build(Batch);
class Decoder {
DecoderState startState(EncoderState[]);
DecoderState step(DecoderState, Batch);

The encoder-decoder model is implemented as a Bahdanau-style model, where the encoder is built inside `Encoder::build` and the resulting encoder context is stored in the `EncoderState` object. The decoder receives a list of `EncoderState` objects and creates the initial `DecoderState`. The `Decoder::step` function consumes the target part of a batch to produce the output logits of the model.

The framework allows for combining different encoders and decoders, such as RNN-based encoders with Transformer decoders, and reduces implementation effort. It is possible to implement a single inference step to train, score, and translate with a new model.

Additionally, Marian includes many efficient meta-algorithms, such as:

  • Multi-device (GPU or CPU) training, scoring, and batched beam search
  • Ensembling of heterogeneous models (e.g. Deep RNN models and Transformer or language models)
  • Multi-node training

Architecture and Training

The Marian toolkit is used to implement a sequence-to-sequence model with a Transformer-style architecture.

The model architecture consists of:

  • A sequence-to-sequence model with single-layer RNNs in both the encoder and decoder
  • Bi-directional RNN in the encoder
  • Stacked GRU-blocks in the encoder and decoder
  • Attention mechanism between the first and second block in the decoder
  • Embeddings size of 512, RNN state size of 1024
  • Layer normalization and variational dropout inside GRU-blocks and attention

The training recipe consists of:

  • Preprocessing of training data, including tokenization, true-casing, and vocabulary reduction
  • Training of a shallow model for backtranslation on parallel WMT17 data
  • Translation of 10M German monolingual news sentences to English
  • Concatenation of artificial training corpus with original data (times two) to produce new training data
  • Training of four left-to-right (L2R) deep models (either RNN-based or Transformer-based)
  • Training of four additional deep models with right-to-left (R2L) orientation
  • Ensemble-decoding with four L2R models resulting in an n-best list of 12 hypotheses per input sentence
  • Rescoring of n-best list with four R2L models, with all model scores weighted equally
  • Evaluation on newstest-2016 (validation set) and newstest-2017 with sacreBLEU


Marian: Fast Neural Machine Translation in C++ 1804.00344

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