Papers Explained 112: Self Instruct

Ritvik Rastogi
5 min readMar 13, 2024


Self-Instruct is a framework for improving the instruction-following capabilities of pretrained language models by bootstrapping off their own generations. It provides an almost annotation-free method for aligning pretrained language models with instructions. The code and data are available at


A high-level overview of Self-Instruct.

The Self-Instruct method involves several steps.

First, it generates task instructions using a pre-trained language model (LM) from a set of initial human-written instructions.

Prompt used for generating new instructions. 8 existing instructions are randomly sampled from the task pool for in-context demonstration. The model is allowed to generate instructions for new tasks, until it stops its generation, reaches its length limit or generates “Task 16” tokens.

Then, it determines if the generated instructions represent classification tasks or not.

Prompt used for classifying whether a task instruction is a classification task or not.

Based on the type, it generates instances using an input-first or output-first approach.

In Input-first Approach, the LM is asked to come up with the input fields first based on the instruction, and then produce the corresponding output. This generation order is similar to how models are used to respond to instruction and input.

Prompt used for the input-first approach of instance generation. The model is prompted to generate the instance first, and then generate the corresponding output. For instructions that don’t require additional input, the output is allowed to be generated directly

For classification tasks, Output-first Approach where the possible class labels are generated first, and then the input generation is conditioned on each class label.

Prompt used for the output-first approach of instance generation. The model is prompted to generate the class label first, and then generate the corresponding input. This prompt is used for generating the instances for classification tasks.

Low-quality data is filtered out and diversity is encouraged by adding new instructions only if they’re dissimilar enough from existing ones.

Finally, after generating large-scale instruction data, the original LM is fine-tuned by concatenating the instruction and instance input as a prompt and training the model to generate the instance output in a supervised way, using multiple templates to encode different formats of instructions and inputs.

Self-Instruct Data from GPT3

A total of over 52K instructions and more than 82K instances corresponding to these instructions are generated after filtering.

Statistics of the generated data by applying Self-Instruct to GPT3.

Diversity and Quality of the Generated Instructions

  • Verb-noun structures are identified in generated instructions using Berkeley Neural Parser
  • Closest verb to the root and its first direct noun object are extracted from parsed instructions
  • 26,559 out of 52,445 instructions contain the identified structure; others contain complex clauses or framed as questions
  • Top 20 most common root verbs and their top 4 direct noun objects account for 14% of the entire set
  • Diversity in intents and textual formats is observed in the instructions
Distribution of the ROUGE-L scores between generated instructions and their most similar seed instructions.
  • A comparison is done between generated instructions and seed instructions using ROUGE-L overlap
  • Distribution of ROUGE-L scores indicate a significant number of new instructions generated with low overlap with seeds
Length distribution of the generated instructions, non-empty inputs, and outputs.
  • Diversity is observed in instruction length, instance inputs, and instance outputs.
Data quality review for the instruction, input, and output of the generated data.
  • Most generated instructions are meaningful.
  • Generated instances may contain some noise but to a reasonable extent.
  • Despite errors, instructions are mostly in the correct or partially correct format.


GPT-3 is finetuned using its own instruction data (Self-Instruct Training). The performance of Self-Instruct training with publicly available instruction-tuning data, specifically from PromptSource and SuperNaturalInstructions datasets used to train the T0 and T𝑘-INSTRUCT models. This comparison involves additional fine-tuning of the GPT-3 model using these external datasets.

Zero-Shot Generalization on SUPERNI benchmark

Evaluation results on unseen tasks from SUPERNI.
  1. Self-Instruct can boost GPT3 performance by a large margin (+33.1%)
  2. It nearly matches the performance of InstructGPT001.
  3. It can further improve the performance even when a large amount of labeled instruction data is present.

Generalization to User-oriented Instructions on Novel Tasks

Performance of GPT3 model and its instruction-tuned variants, evaluated by human experts.

A total of 252 instructions with 1 instance per instruction are created, which serve as a testbed for evaluating how instruction-based models handle diverse and unfamiliar instructions. A four-level rating system: RATING-A to RATING-D based on accuracy and effectiveness is used.

  • Vanilla GPT3 struggles with diverse instructions.
  • Instruction-tuned models show higher performance.
  • GPT3SELF-INST outperforms models trained on T0 or SUPERNI, demonstrating the value of generated data.
  • GPT3SELF-INST closely matches InstructGPT001, especially in acceptable responses (RATING-B).
  • InstructGPT002 and InstructGPT003 show impressive instruction-following ability.

Effect of Data Size and Quality

Human evaluation performance of GPT3SELF-INST models tuned with different sizes of instructions.

Data Size Analysis

  • Sampled different sizes of instructions, fine-tuned GPT3, and evaluated performance on the 252 user-oriented instruction set.
  • Consistent improvement with increasing data size, plateauing around 16K instructions.
  • Contrast between performance plateauing at hundreds of instructions when evaluating on SUPERNI, suggesting the need for diverse instruction data for better task performance.

Data Quality Enhancement

  • Using InstructGPT003, regenerate output given instructions and input to refine the generated data.
  • Model fine-tuned with this improved data outperforms the one trained with original data by 10%.
  • Indicates significant potential for enhancing data quality through the generation pipeline, either with human expertise or distillation from superior models.


Self-Instruct: Aligning Language Models with Self-Generated Instructions 2212.10560

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