Papers Explained 06: Distil BERT

Ritvik Rastogi
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


Knowledge distillation is a compression technique in which a compact model (the student) is trained to reproduce the behaviour of a larger model, (the teacher) or an ensemble of models.

Training Loss

The student is trained with a distillation loss over the soft target probabilities of the teacher:

where ti​ and si​ are the probabilities estimated by teacher and student respectively.

DistilBERT uses a softmax temperature:

where T controls the smoothness of the output distribution and zi​ is the model score for the class i.

The same temperature T is applied to the student and the teacher at training time, while at inference, T is set to 1 to recover a standard softmax.

The final training objective is a linear combination of the distillation loss Lce​ with the supervised training loss, in DistilBERT the masked language modeling loss Lmlm​. It is found beneficial to add a cosine embedding loss (Lcos​) which will tend to align the directions of the student and teacher hidden states vectors.

Student Architecture

DistilBERT has the same general architecture as BERT. The token-type embeddings and the pooler are removed while the number of layers is reduced by a factor of 2.

Taking advantage of the common dimensionality between teacher and student networks, DistilBERT is initialised from BERT by taking one layer out of two.

DistilBERT is distilled on very large batches leveraging gradient accumulation (up to 4K examples per batch) using dynamic masking and without the next sentence prediction objective on the same corpus as the original BERT model.



DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter 1910.01108

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